Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Host a Kiddy Movie Night

Here is something my family does every Friday night...Movie Night!  We pick a G rated flick to stream on Netflix, pop some popcorn and settle around the TV for the entire 90 minutes...after Pizza of course.  Normally during Pizza time we just chat and are silly.  Sometimes we make up stories or games.   After the movie, we talk about it!  Sometimes we draw pictures about the story.  This entire process starts at dinner time and ends just before bed-time routines begin (Somewhere between 5 and 6 hours).  As I have been trying to invent ways to earn extra money, a plan started to brew.  My son has plenty of friends from daycare (although he has been pulled out due to cost, we keep up a pretty active play date schedule) as well as neighbor kids all around his age.  Why not include one or two kids in this movie night? It's themed babysitting!


Supplies and Cost:

Benefit to the parents?  They get a free Friday night!  Their kids get dinner and a movie and come home with a craft. 

Benefit to me?  I was already doing this!  So for an extra $6.25, I get to make some extra money.  

How much money?  Well, I didn't want to set my prices to high.  Why try to soak my friends (or my kid's friends) when I was already doing this?  I set my sights on $20 a kid.  I started with three kids (and with my own kid, that makes four).  I can manage four kids at once with a plan.  

Profit schedule:

Now, the above can be altered up or down depending on adding or subtracting kids, skipping a week here or there due to family scheduling but, it's a start!  

Our first Movie night was this past Friday night.  All went well.  We watched Hop since it was the Friday before Easter (Good Friday) and we all made bunny ear headbands out of foam sheets.  The parents were all grateful to spend only $4 dollars an hour on babysitting while they prepared for their own Easter plans.  I'll call this one a success!

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